Great way to study course content

Author: Matthew Shelton

Hey if you?re like me you buy courses and then have a hard time getting around to going through the content, especially if you are really busy.

Here?s a method I?ve discovered that is FANTASTIC for getting this done ? your course remains organized, and you go from Point A to Point Z without a break or a hitch, automatically.? This works for both audio and video content.

First you need the VLC media player ? it is free and has some great features ? you can get it here: – go ahead and install it, it is an easy install.

Now go to your downloaded courses? folder and doubleclick on the first audio/video (hopefully you have the courses? content downloads arranged in a logical order)

This will open up VLC which will begin to play the content ? minimize it and doubleclick on the next audio/video.? Give it just a second to load, then click on the next and the next and the next until you have doubleclicked on the entire course, or as much of it as you?d like to go thru at one sitting.

Now stop VLC from playing, and you?ll see your entire courses? content all listed on the VLC Media Player.? (if you don?t stop it playing, you won?t see this).

Now go up to the top left and click Media|Save Playlist to File and save this Playlist to your computer.

Now when you want to go through the course and you are working on something else, just open the Playlist file and it will automatically start going through? the entire course for you without you having to click on it again!? This also makes it very easy to go through the content of the course more than once, which if it is a good course is usually a very good idea.

And if you are like me and you have LOTS of downloaded content to go through, then it is a great idea to make a special VLC playlist folder on your computer to keep all your courses in one place, easy to get to and go through.

Now with your special VLC playlist folder, you can double-click on a playlist and it will play through all the audio and/or video in a course while you are doing something else.? This is great for listening to something over and over again (or at least getting through it once) because most courses have concepts that takes more than one exposure to them to really ?get? what they are talking about.

Ok, there?s your great way to study course content ? have fun!

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