Google Labs has various experiments you can go to. The Experiment “Say What You See” is especially useful for anyone who wants to get better at image prompts. I’ve generated thousands of images with other systems, mostly Deep AI…
I was out walking this morning before the sunrise. The sky was perfectly clear and a fair number of stars could be seen even with the streetlights. Orion was out hunting, his belt the unmistakable three stars in a row,…
I’m seeing it again today – the squirrels in our yard are going absolutely crazy. It must be that time of year. They are carrying nuts, and burying nuts, and climbing trees in swift spirals. They are giving frolicking hops…
The effect of incorrect grammar, spelling, and word usage in books I am not some kind of grammar marm shaking my finger at participles. I don’t really care or can even claim to know or be able to detect all…
Ok, the standard form for haikus is three lines: First line: 5 syllables Second line: 7 syllables Third line: 5 syllables Ideally, you write something that is jarring and unexpected for the third line, and all three lines hold together…